West Bengal Joint Entrance Exam (WBJEE) 2024

West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination, also known as the WBJEE, is a state-government controlled centralised test that is administered by the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board for admission to many private and governmental engineering institutions in West Bengal.

After the 12th grade, the test is taken for admission to graduation (also known as Bachelor’s) courses. Those who studied Pure Science and Vocational 10+2 stream in plus two level with the specific subjects tested in the examination, which are Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, are eligible to take the exam.

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Seeking Information on WBJEE Engineering Entrance Exams?
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The WBJEE includes the likes of Top universities of India like Jadavpur University, Calcutta University, University of Kalyani, top government engineering colleges like Kalyani Government Engineering College, Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College, Purulia Government Engineering College, Coochbehar Government Engineering College, Ghani Khan Choudhury Institute of Engineering & Technology and few private institutions.

WBJEE 2024 Highlights

Full Exam NameWest Bengal Joint Entrance Exam
Short Exam NameWBJEE
Conducting BodyWest Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board (WBJEEB) 
Frequency of ConductOnce Year
Exam LevelState Level Exam
Mode of ApplicationOnline
Application Fee (General)Rs. 500/-
Application Fee (SC/ST/OBC)Rs. 400/-
Mode of ExamOffline (pen-and-paper-based test)
Mode of CounsellingOnline
Exam Duration2  Hours
No. of Question155
Official Websitehttps://wbjeeb.nic.in/

WBJEE 2024 Important Dates

WBJEEB will conduct OMR based Common Entrance Examination (WBJEE-2023) for admission in the academic session 2023-24 for Undergraduate Courses in Engineering/Technology, Pharmacy and Architecture of different Universities, Government Colleges as well as Self-Financing Engineering/Technological Institutes in
the State of West Bengal.

ActivityDate (with time)
Online application with payment of fees28.12.23 (Thursday) to 31.01.24 (Wednesday)
Online correction and downloading revised confirmation page03-02-2024 (Saturday) to 05-02-2024 (Monday)
last date to Apply for WBJEE 31-01-2024
Publication of Downloadable Admit Card18.04.24 (Thursday) to 28.04.24 (Sunday) (02:00p.m.)
Date of Examination:28.04.24 (Sunday)
Paper-I (Mathematics)11:00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Paper-II (Physics & Chemistry)2:00 p.m. to 4:00p.m.
Publication of ResultsTo be notified later

WBJEE 2024 Exam Pattern

All questions will be of Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQ), with four options against  each question. There will be three categories of questions in each subject. The number of questions as well as maximum marks for each are given in the following table:

Category-1 Each Q carries 1 mark (-ve marks = -1/4)503030
Category-2 Each Q carries 2 marks (-ve marks = -1/2)1555
Category-3 Each Q carries 2 marks (No -ve marks)1055
Total Number of Questions754040
Total Marks1005050

Mode Of Examination

  • Questions must be answered on an optical machine-readable response (OMR) sheet, which will be evaluated using the Optical Mark Recognition method. As a result, it is critical to use the proper marking method.
  • Candidates will respond to the questions by completely darkening the appropriate circle/bubble with a blue/black ink ball point pen.
  • Any other type of marking, such as incompletely filling the circle/bubble, filling with pencil, cross mark, tick mark, dot mark, circular mark, overwriting, scratching, erasing, white ink, marking outside the circle/bubble, and so on, may result in incorrect/partial/ambiguous reading of the response. WBJEEB will not be held liable for such an occurrence, which may result in the cancellation of the OMR sheet.
  • Response marking cannot be changed, changed, erased, or modified.

WBJEE 2024 Application Fees 

CategoriesGeneral SC/ST/OBC
FeesRs. 500/-Rs. 400/-

Eligibility Criteria for Appearing WBJEE

Eligibility Criteria for WBJEERequirements
CitizenshipApplicant must be a citizen of India or OCI (subject to approval of the Competent Authority).
OCI candidates are eligible for Unreserved seats in All India quota.
Academic QualificationCandidates must have passed the 12th standard (10+2) or its equivalent examination before 2023 or be appearing in the 12th standard (10+2) or its equivalent examination in 2023.
Age RestrictionThe lower age limit is 17 years as of 31.12.2023 (born on or before 31.12.2006). There is no upper age limit for appearing in the examination.
However, for admission to the degree-level Marine Engineering Course, the upper age limit is 25 years as of 31.12.2023.
Academic Criteria for AdmissionCandidates should be aware of the latest applicable rules of different Universities, Institutions, Government Departments, and Regulatory Bodies at the time of admission.
The Board will not be responsible if any candidate fails to stay informed about updated information.
The Board will notify revisions, corrections, modifications, addenda, corrigenda, if any, received from concerned Authorities until the start of counseling.
General Criteria for Engineering/Technology CoursesCandidate must have passed the Qualifying Examination (10+2) with Physics and Mathematics along with any one of Chemistry / Biotechnology / Biology / Computer Science / Computer Application / Technical Vocational Subject as compulsory subjects, with individual pass marks (both theory and practical/project where applicable) in all three subjects mentioned above in regular class mode. Must have obtained at least 45% marks (40% for candidates in SC, ST, OBC-A, OBC-B, PWD categories) in the above three subjects taken together.
Must have passed English in the 12th standard (10+2) or its equivalent examination with at least 30% marks.
The Qualifying Examination board must be recognized by the Central Government or the concerned State Government.

WBJEE Syllabus

Here is a table representing the WBJEE 2024 syllabus for Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics:

Physics Syllabus for WBJEE 2024Chemistry Syllabus for WBJEE 2024Mathematics Syllabus for WBJEE 2024
Physical World, Measurements, Units & DimensionsAtoms, Molecules and Chemical ArithmeticAlgebra
KinematicsAtomic StructureArithmetic Progression
Laws of MotionRadioactivity and Nuclear ChemistryGeometric Progression
The motion of centre of mass, connected systems, FrictionThe Periodic Table and Chemical FamiliesHarmonic Progression
GravitationChemical Bonding and Molecular StructureSets, Relations and Mappings
Bulk properties of matterCoordination CompoundsLogarithms
ViscositySolid StateComplex Numbers
ThermodynamicsLiquid StatePermutation and Combination
Kinetic theory of gasesGaseous StatePolynomial Equation
Oscillations & WavesChemical Energetics and Chemical DynamicsPrinciple of Mathematical Induction
ElectrostaticsPhysical Chemistry of SolutionsMatrices
Current ElectricityIonic and Redox EquilibriaBinomial Theorem (Positive Integral Index)
Magnetic effect of currentHydrogenStatistics and Probability
MagneticsChemistry of Non-Metallic Elements and their CompoundsTrigonometry
Electromagnetic induction & alternating currentChemistry of MetalsCoordinate geometry of two dimensions
Electromagnetic wavesChemistry in IndustryCoordinate geometry of three dimensions
Optics I (Ray optics)PolymersDifferential calculus
Optics II (Wave Optics)Surface ChemistryCalculus
Particle nature of light & wave-particle dualismEnvironmental ChemistryIntegral calculus
Atomic PhysicsChemistry of Carbon CompoundsApplication of Calculus
Nuclear PhysicsCompoundsDifferential Equations
Solid state ElectronicsHaloalkanes and HaloarenesVectors
Aromatic Compounds
Application Oriented chemistry
Introduction to Bio-Molecules
Principles of Qualitative Analysis

WBJEE 2024 Application Procedure

WBJEE Registration 2024 

Registration ProcessDetails
a) Personal Details EntryEnter personal information including name, father’s name, mother’s name, date of birth, gender, identification type and number, present and permanent address, mobile number, and email ID.
b) Caution for Certain InformationBe extremely careful while entering name, father’s name, mother’s name, date of birth, gender, and domicile, as these details cannot be changed, edited, or modified under any circumstances.
c) Password and Security Question SetupCreate a password, select a security question, and provide an answer. Review the entered information and submit the registration.
d) Application Number and ConfirmationUpon successful registration, an application number will be generated and displayed on the screen.
An SMS/email will be sent to the registered mobile number/email ID of the candidate(s).
e) Important Reminder for PasswordCandidates are advised to remember their application number, password, and security question/answer.
If a candidate forgets their password, they can recover it through the “Forgot Password” option. There is no other way to retrieve the password.
It is crucial not to share the password with anyone, as no person or agency can change, edit, or input any information without knowing the password. The Board will not be held responsible for any changes resulting from sharing or divulging the password.

WBJEE Application Form 2024

a) Additional Information EntryFill in various details, including domicile, category, PWD (Person with Disability) status, family income status, religion, nationality, and academic information.
b) If Applying for JEE(Main) 2023If the candidate has also applied for JEE(Main) 2023, they should enter their JEE(Main)-2023 application number.
Choosing Exam ZonesThe candidate then needs to select the preferred zones for the examination in order of choice and submit the application.

Image Uploading

Image Upload InstructionsDetails
a) Photograph and Signature UploadThe candidate is required to upload recent color photographs in JPG/JPEG format, with a file size ranging from 10 to 200 KB.
The candidate’s signature should also be uploaded in JPG/JPEG format, with a file size between 4 to 30 KB.
b) Uploading Documents (if necessary)If any additional document, such as a certificate or mark sheet, needs to be uploaded, it should be in PDF format with a file size ranging from 50 to 300 KB.
c) Combined Photo and Signature UploadBoth the candidate’s photograph and signature must be uploaded together during this step.

WBJEE Exam Fee

Examination Fee Payment InstructionsDetails
a) Payment MethodsThe examination fees can be paid using Net Banking, Debit Card, Credit Card, or UPI (Unified Payments Interface).
b) Application FeeThe application fee for the examination is Rs 500 (Rupees five hundred only) for General candidates and Rs 400 (Rupees four hundred only) for SC/ST/OBC-A/OBC-B candidates. Additional bank service charges, if applicable, are to be borne by the candidate.
c) Documents for ConcessionSC/ST/OBC-A/OBC-B/TFW (Tuition Fee Waiver) candidates availing of the concession must upload the respective certificates in the given formats at the time of counseling. Failing to do so may result in the cancellation of the candidature.
Non-Refundable FeeThe fee, once paid, is not refundable under any circumstances.

Application Confirmation

a) Successful CompletionOnce all the preceding steps have been successfully completed, the candidate will be directed to download the ‘Confirmation Page.’
The generation of the Confirmation Page indicates that the application process is complete. It is essential to note that the application is considered incomplete until the Confirmation Page is generated.

Application Correction

Application Form CorrectionDetails
a) Primary Registration DataIt is not possible to correct any primary registration data, which includes Name, Father’s Name, Mother’s Name, Gender, Domicile, and Date of Birth.
b) Correction PeriodCandidates can make corrections to other information in their application during the given correction period by logging in to the provided portal.
The Board will not entertain any correction requests beyond the specified correction period.
The Board will not make corrections on behalf of any candidate.

WBJEE Admit Card 2024

a) Admit cards will be generated on the notified date for the student to download and take a print. Candidate must carry a printed hard copy of the admit card to the examination center.

b) Candidates must ensure that the admit card is not mutilated/ distorted/ soiled even by accident. Candidates with such mutilated/ distorted/ soiled admit cards will not be allowed to appear in the examination.

WBJEE Seats Matrix

The seat matrix for last year i.e., for the academic session 2024-25 will be given on the Board’s website. 

The seat matrix for the academic session 2024-25 will be declared by the office of The Director of Technical Education, Govt. of W.B. in due course of time and will be published on Board’s web site before counseling.

 Note that there may be other seats available in some institutes/courses which are not offered by them through e-counseling and hence will not appear in the seat matrix

WBJEE 2024 Counselling

WBJEEB will commence the WBJEE 2024 counselling process after the results are declared. The qualified candidates will have to participate in the counselling process for admissions. 

Firstly, the candidates will have to register for the WBJEE counselling and fill in their choice of colleges and courses in the order of preference. The allotment will be done according to the candidate’s rank, preference, and availability of seat. 

District-wise list of examination zones for WBJEE

Candidates from West Bengal, Assam and Tripura must select any three zones from the below list in order of their preference.

Districts of West BengalZoneZone Code
Cooch BeharCooch Behar15
Dakshin DinajpurBalurghat16
HowrahHowrah Maidan/Shibpur22
KolkataCentral Kolkata (Moulali/Beliaghata/Narkel Danga/Phool Bagan/Kakurgachi/Park Circus)29
KolkataNorth Kolkata (Shyam bazar/Bagh Bazar/Girish Park/Burra Bazar/College Street/Sealdah)30
KolkataSalt Lake/New Town (Salt Lake/Lake Town/New Town/Rajar Hat)31
KolkataSouth Kolkata (Ballygaunge/Minto Park/Bhowanipore/Tollygaunge/Jadavpur)32
KolkataWest Kolkata (Joka/Behala/Alipore/Chetla/Khidirpore/Budge Budge)33
North 24 ParganasAshoknagar41
North 24 ParganasBarasat (Airport/Madhyamgram/Barasat)42
North 24 ParganasBarrackpur (Dum Dum Jn. To Barrackpur)43
North 24 ParganasBasirhat44
Paschim BurdwanAsansol45
Paschim BurdwanDurgapur46
Paschim MedinipurGarbeta47
Paschim MedinipurKharagpur48
Paschim MedinipurMedinipur49
Purba BurdwanBurdwan50
Purba MedinipurContai51
Purba MedinipurHaldia52
Purba MedinipurTamluk53
South 24 ParganasGaria/Sonarpur/Baruipur55
South 24 ParganasJainagar56
Uttar DinajpurRaiganj57
Other StatesAssamSilchar
Other StatesTripuraAgartala

b) Candidates from other states must select any three zones from the following.

Districts of W.B.Zone
KolkataSalt Lake/New Town(Salt Lake/Lake Town/New Town/Rajar Hat)
KolkataSouth Kolkata(Ballygaunge/Minto Park/Bhowanipore/Tollygaunge/Jadavpur)
KolkataWest Kolkata (Joka/Behala/Alipore/Chetla/Khidirpore/Budge Budge)
Paschim BurdwanAsansol
Paschim BurdwanDurgapur
Paschim MedinipurKharagpur

 Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is West Bengal Joint Entrance Exam (WBJEE)?

A. West Bengal Joint Entrance Exam (WBJEE) is a state-level entrance exam conducted by the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board (WBJEEB). It is conducted for admission to various UG courses in engineering, pharmacy and architecture courses.

Q. Can other state candidates apply for WBJEE?

A. Yes, other state candidates can apply for WBJEE. However, they will not be eligible for reservation of seats.

Q. What is the application fee for WBJEE?

A. The application fee for WBJEE is Rs 700 for engineering courses and Rs 500 for pharmacy and architecture courses.

Q. What is the syllabus for WBJEE?

A. The syllabus for WBJEE consists of topics from Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry of 10+2 level.

Q. How can I download my WBJEE admit card?

A. Candidates can download their WBJEE admit card from the official website of WBJEEB by entering their application number and date of birth.

Q. What is the counselling process of WBJEE?

A. The counselling process of WBJEE involves online registration, choice filling, document verification and seat allocation. The counselling process will be conducted in multiple rounds.

Q. When will WBJEE 2024 be held?

A. WBJEE 2024 will be tentatively held on April 30. The examination will be held as a pen-and-paper-based test for all eligible candidates.

Q. When will the WBJEE 2024 application form be made accessible?

A. The WBJEE 2024 application form was released on December 23, 2022. Candidates must submit the application well before the deadline in order to participate in the examination.

Q. Is the WBJEE administered online or offline?

A. The WBJEE will be administered offline, using pen and paper. Candidates must report to the exam centers and answer questions on an OMR paper.

Q. What is the duration of WBJEE 2024?

A. The duration of WBJEE 2024 is 4 hours. During the 4 hours, the candidates will have to answer multiple-choice questions in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.

When will WBJEE 2024 result be declared?

The result for WBJEE 2024 is expected to be declared in the last week of May 2024.

How many students appeared for WBJEE 2024?

The exact number of students who appeared for WBJEE 2024 will be available once the official results are announced.

How to check WBJEE result 2024?

To check your WBJEE 2024 result, follow these steps:

  • Visit the official website, wbjeeb.nic.in.
  • Click on the WBJEE results link.
  • Log in using your application number and password.
  • Your WBJEE result will be displayed on the screen.
  • Download and take a printout of the WBJEE score card.

What is TFW rank in WBJEE?

TFW stands for “Tuition Fee Waiver.” It’s a category in WBJEE where certain candidates can avail of a waiver on tuition fees.

How much marks are required for Jadavpur University in WBJEE?

To be eligible for Jadavpur University through WBJEE, candidates typically need a minimum of 60% marks in the relevant subjects taken together (45% for SC, ST, OBC-A, OBC-B, PWD candidates) and 60% marks in Mathematics (45% for SC, ST, OBC-A, OBC-B, PWD candidates), as well as pass marks in English with a minimum mark of 30% (for all categories of candidates) in the qualifying examination.

When will WBJEE counseling start?

The counseling for WBJEE 2024 is expected to begin in the last week of May 2024.

How many seats are there in WBJEE medical courses?

The exact number of seats for medical courses in WBJEE can vary from year to year.

How to prepare for WBJEE?

Preparation for WBJEE involves a thorough study of the prescribed syllabus, practice of previous years’ question papers, and time management. It is recommended to follow a well-structured study plan and seek guidance from experienced teachers or coaching institutes.

How many times can WBJEE be given?

There is no limit on the number of times a candidate can apply for the WBJEE exam. However, there may be an age limit for candidates seeking admission, and candidates should check the official eligibility criteria.

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