JEE Main 2024 Session 1 Result Published! Check Your Scores on

JEE Main 2024 Session 1 Result Published: The National Testing Agency (NTA) has released the results for the Joint Entrance Examination JEE Main 2024 Session 1 today. This development brings relief to numerous aspiring engineers across the nation. The computer-based test was conducted from January 24 to February 1st, 2024.

By visiting the official website, and entering their login information, which includes their application number and date of birth, candidates can view their individual results. The NTA scores, percentile rankings, subject-specific marks, and other performance-related information will be shown on the scorecard.

Although the precise timing of the result release is still pending an official announcement, rumors in the media indicate it may be announced later in the day. It is recommended that candidates regularly check the official website for updates.

Here’s a quick overview of what to expect on your JEE Main Session 1 scorecard:

  • The NTA Score is the candidate’s total score out of 300 marks (100 for Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics).
  • Percentile Rank: This is the candidate’s relative ranking among all test takers.
  • Subject-wise Individual marks for each subject (physics, chemistry, and mathematics).
  • All India Rankings (AIR): This will be available after Session 2 is completed and the two sets of results are combined.

The top 2,50,000 candidates who pass JEE Main Session 1 will be eligible to compete in JEE Advanced 2024, which is scheduled for June 16th, 2024. JEE Advanced is the pathway to admission to the prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and other NITs.


How to check JEE Main Result 2024 Session 1?

  1. Go to the official website for JEE Main results, which is
  2. Select the option labeled “View score card” or “View JEE Main 2024 result.”
  3. Provide your application number and password when prompted.
  4. Your comprehensive NTA JEE Main result will then be displayed on the screen, showing your scores.

What is the official website to check JEE Main Result 2024 Session 1?

The official website to check JEE Main Result 2024 is

How is the JEE Main Result 2024 Session 1 calculated?

Total Percentile = (100 x Number of candidates with raw score ≤ T1) / Total Number of candidates who appeared for the exam

What details are included in the JEE Mains 2024 Session 1 scorecard?

The scorecard comprises information such as the candidate’s name, examination specifics (session and shift), subjects attempted, achieved marks, All India Rank (AIR), and Percentage.

What are the tie-breaking rules for JEE Main 2024 Session 1?

If two or more candidates achieve identical JEE Main scores, the NTA implements a tie-breaking policy. According to this policy, preference is given to the candidate with a higher Mathematics score. If the tie persists, priority will be given to the candidate with a higher Physics score. Further, if the tie still remains, preference will be given to the candidate with a higher Chemistry score. In the event that the tie persists even after considering these subject scores, candidates with fewer negative markings or incorrect answers in the JEE Main paper will be prioritized in compiling the merit list.

What are the steps to download the JEE Main Scorecard for Session 1?

  1. Navigate to the official JEE Main website at
  2. Locate the link for the session 1 scorecard on the homepage.
  3. Sign in by entering your application ID and date of birth.
  4. Your JEE Main Session 1 scorecard will be displayed on the screen.
  5. Save the JEE Main scorecard for future reference by downloading it.

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