This year 40,712 students qualified, the lowest cutoff in JEE Advanced history.
JEE Advanced 2022 exam results have been released. As a result, the cutoff has fallen once more.
This year, 40,712 students qualified for counseling for a total of 16,598 seats in 23 IITs. This has 34,196 boys and 6,516 girls. The lowest cutoff in IIT JEE history has been maintained for qualifying in counseling.
This year’s qualifying cut-off for counseling has been on average 15.28, subject wise 4.40 percent, OBC and EWS 13.89, subject wise 4%, SC, ST, and PWD 7.78, subject wise 2.20.

In the previous years, the lowest cutoff to qualify for counseling was 17.50, subject-wise, 5 percent for the open category. While OBC and EWS averaged 15.75 and subject wise 4.50 percent, SC, ST and PWD averaged 8.75 and subject wise 2.50 percent cut off. In this situation, there was a decline of about two percent in the cut-off for General and OBC, EWS, and SC-ST and PWD.